5 Letter Words That Start with H

There are only 2 ‘H’ tiles, which makes them quite rare and special. Below is a list of words starting with ‘H’.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
haafs (11)haafs (11)haars (8)habit (10)habus (10)hacek (14)
hacks (14)hacks (14)hadal (9)haded (10)hades (9)hadji (16)
hadst (9)hadst (9)haems (10)haets (8)hafiz (20)hafts (11)
hahas (11)hahas (11)haika (12)haiks (12)haiku (12)hails (8)
haint (8)haint (8)hairs (8)hairy (11)hajes (15)hajis (15)
hajji (22)hajji (22)hakes (12)hakim (14)hakus (12)halal (8)
haled (9)haled (9)haler (8)hales (8)halid (9)hallo (8)
halls (8)halls (8)halma (10)halms (10)halon (8)halos (8)
halts (8)halts (8)halva (11)halve (11)hamal (10)hames (10)
hammy (15)hammy (15)hamza (19)hance (10)hands (9)handy (12)
hangs (9)hangs (9)hanks (12)hanky (15)hansa (8)hanse (8)
hants (8)hants (8)haole (8)hapax (17)haply (13)happy (15)
hards (9)hards (9)hardy (12)hared (9)harem (10)hares (8)
harks (12)harks (12)harls (8)harms (10)harps (10)harpy (13)
harry (11)harry (11)harsh (11)harts (8)hasps (10)haste (8)
hasty (11)hasty (11)hatch (13)hated (9)hater (8)hates (8)
haugh (12)haugh (12)haulm (10)hauls (8)haunt (8)haute (8)
haven (11)haven (11)haver (11)haves (11)havoc (13)hawed (12)
hawks (15)hawks (15)hawse (11)hayed (12)hayer (11)hayey (14)
hazan (17)hazan (17)hazed (18)hazel (17)hazer (17)hazes (17)
heads (9)heads (9)heady (12)heals (8)heaps (10)heapy (13)
heard (9)heard (9)hears (8)heart (8)heath (11)heats (8)
heave (11)heave (11)heavy (14)hebes (10)hecks (14)heder (9)
hedge (10)hedge (10)hedgy (13)heeds (9)heels (8)heeze (17)
hefts (11)hefts (11)hefty (14)heigh (12)heils (8)heirs (8)
heist (8)heist (8)helio (8)helix (15)hello (8)hells (8)
helms (10)helms (10)helos (8)helot (8)helps (10)helve (11)
hemal (10)hemal (10)hemes (10)hemic (12)hemin (10)hemps (12)
hempy (15)hempy (15)hence (10)henge (9)henna (8)henry (11)
hents (8)hents (8)herbs (10)herby (13)herds (9)heres (8)
herls (8)herls (8)herma (10)herms (10)herns (8)heron (8)
heros (8)heros (8)herry (11)hertz (17)hests (8)heths (11)
heuch (13)heuch (13)heugh (12)hewed (12)hewer (11)hexad (16)
hexed (16)hexed (16)hexer (15)hexes (15)hexyl (18)hicks (14)
hided (10)hided (10)hider (9)hides (9)highs (12)hight (12)
hijab (17)hijab (17)hijra (15)hiked (13)hiker (12)hikes (12)
hilar (8)hilar (8)hillo (8)hills (8)hilly (11)hilts (8)
hilum (10)hilum (10)hilus (8)hinds (9)hinge (9)hinky (15)
hinny (11)hinny (11)hints (8)hiply (13)hippo (12)hippy (15)
hired (9)hired (9)hiree (8)hirer (8)hires (8)hissy (11)
hists (8)hists (8)hitch (13)hived (12)hives (11)hoagy (12)
hoard (9)hoard (9)hoars (8)hoary (11)hobby (15)hobos (10)
hocks (14)hocks (14)hocus (10)hodad (10)hoers (8)hogan (9)
hoggs (10)hoggs (10)hoick (14)hoise (8)hoist (8)hoked (13)
hokes (12)hokes (12)hokey (15)hokku (16)hokum (14)holds (9)
holed (9)holed (9)holes (8)holey (11)holks (12)holla (8)
hollo (8)hollo (8)holly (11)holms (10)holts (8)homed (11)
homer (10)homer (10)homes (10)homey (13)homie (10)honan (8)
honda (9)honda (9)honed (9)honer (8)hones (8)honey (11)
hongi (9)hongi (9)hongs (9)honks (12)honor (8)hooch (13)
hoods (9)hoods (9)hoody (12)hooey (11)hoofs (11)hooka (12)
hooks (12)hooks (12)hooky (15)hooly (11)hoops (10)hoots (8)
hooty (11)hooty (11)hoped (11)hoper (10)hopes (10)hoppy (15)
horah (11)horah (11)horal (8)horas (8)horde (9)horns (8)
horny (11)horny (11)horse (8)horst (8)horsy (11)hosed (9)
hosel (8)hosel (8)hosen (8)hoser (8)hoses (8)hosey (11)
hosta (8)hosta (8)hosts (8)hotch (13)hotel (8)hotly (11)
hound (9)hound (9)houri (8)hours (8)house (8)hovel (11)
hover (11)hover (11)howdy (15)howes (11)howff (17)howfs (14)
howks (15)howks (15)howls (11)hoyas (11)hoyle (11)hubby (15)
hucks (14)hucks (14)huffs (14)huffy (17)huger (9)hulas (8)
hulks (12)hulks (12)hulky (15)hullo (8)hulls (8)human (10)
humic (12)humic (12)humid (11)humor (10)humph (15)humps (12)
humpy (15)humpy (15)humus (10)hunch (13)hunks (12)hunky (15)
hunts (8)hunts (8)hurds (9)hurls (8)hurly (11)hurry (11)
hurst (8)hurst (8)hurts (8)husks (12)husky (15)hussy (11)
hutch (13)hutch (13)huzza (26)hydra (12)hydro (12)hyena (11)
hying (12)hying (12)hylas (11)hymen (13)hymns (13)hyoid (12)
hyped (14)hyped (14)hyper (13)hypes (13)hypha (16)hypos (13)
hyrax (18)hyrax (18)hyson (11)


The letter ‘H’ is like a hidden gem. It’s worth 4 points, which is great because that’s a lot more than many other letters, like ‘A’ or ‘S’.

You can use ‘H’ for words like ‘house’, ‘happy’, or ‘horse’. Because it’s worth a good number of points, it can help you get ahead in the game.

It’s like finding a little treasure each time you use it! Just remember, since there are only two ‘H’s in the whole game, you need to be really smart about when and how you play them. If you place them on a double or triple letter score, it’s like hitting a mini-jackpot!

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