5 Letter Words That Start with F

Below is a list of 5-letter words that start with the letter ‘F’.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
fable (10)fable (10)faced (11)facer (10)faces (10)facet (10)
facia (10)facia (10)facts (10)faddy (13)faded (10)fader (9)
fades (9)fades (9)fadge (10)fados (9)faena (8)faery (11)
faggy (13)faggy (13)fagin (9)fagot (9)fails (8)faint (8)
fairs (8)fairs (8)fairy (11)faith (11)faked (13)faker (12)
fakes (12)fakes (12)fakey (15)fakir (12)falls (8)false (8)
famed (11)famed (11)fames (10)fancy (13)fanes (8)fanga (9)
fangs (9)fangs (9)fanny (11)fanon (8)fanos (8)fanum (10)
faqir (17)faqir (17)farad (9)farce (10)farci (10)farcy (13)
fards (9)fards (9)fared (9)farer (8)fares (8)farle (8)
farls (8)farls (8)farms (10)faros (8)farts (8)fasts (8)
fatal (8)fatal (8)fated (9)fates (8)fatly (11)fatso (8)
fatty (11)fatty (11)fatwa (11)faugh (12)fauld (9)fault (8)
fauna (8)fauna (8)fauns (8)fauve (11)favas (11)faves (11)
favor (11)favor (11)favus (11)fawns (11)fawny (14)faxed (16)
faxes (15)faxes (15)fayed (12)fazed (18)fazes (17)fears (8)
fease (8)fease (8)feast (8)feats (8)feaze (17)fecal (10)
feces (10)feces (10)fecks (14)fedex (16)feebs (10)feeds (9)
feels (8)feels (8)feeze (17)feign (9)feint (8)feist (8)
felid (9)felid (9)fella (8)fells (8)felly (11)felon (8)
felts (8)felts (8)femes (10)femme (12)femur (10)fence (10)
fends (9)fends (9)fenny (11)feods (9)feoff (14)feral (8)
feres (8)feres (8)feria (8)ferly (11)fermi (10)ferns (8)
ferny (11)ferny (11)ferry (11)fesse (8)fests (8)fetal (8)
fetas (8)fetas (8)fetch (13)feted (9)fetes (8)fetid (9)
fetor (8)fetor (8)fetus (8)feuar (8)feuds (9)feued (9)
fever (11)fever (11)fewer (11)feyer (11)feyly (14)fezes (17)
fezzy (29)fezzy (29)fiars (8)fiats (8)fiber (10)fibre (10)
fices (10)fices (10)fiche (13)fichu (13)ficin (10)ficus (10)
fidge (10)fidge (10)fidos (9)fiefs (11)field (9)fiend (9)
fiery (11)fiery (11)fifed (12)fifer (11)fifes (11)fifth (14)
fifty (14)fifty (14)fight (12)filar (8)filch (13)filed (9)
filer (8)filer (8)files (8)filet (8)fille (8)fillo (8)
fills (8)fills (8)filly (11)filmi (10)films (10)filmy (13)
filos (8)filos (8)filth (11)filum (10)final (8)finca (10)
finch (13)finch (13)finds (9)fined (9)finer (8)fines (8)
finis (8)finis (8)finks (12)finny (11)finos (8)fiord (9)
fique (17)fique (17)fired (9)firer (8)fires (8)firms (10)
firns (8)firns (8)firry (11)first (8)firth (11)fiscs (10)
fishy (14)fishy (14)fists (8)fitch (13)fitly (11)fiver (11)
fives (11)fives (11)fixed (16)fixer (15)fixes (15)fixit (15)
fizzy (29)fizzy (29)fjeld (16)fjord (16)flabs (10)flack (14)
flags (9)flags (9)flail (8)flair (8)flake (12)flaky (15)
flame (10)flame (10)flams (10)flamy (13)flank (12)flans (8)
flaps (10)flaps (10)flare (8)flash (11)flask (12)flats (8)
flaws (11)flaws (11)flawy (14)flaxy (18)flays (11)fleam (10)
fleas (8)fleas (8)fleck (14)fleer (8)flees (8)fleet (8)
flesh (11)flesh (11)flews (11)fleys (11)flick (14)flics (10)
flied (9)flied (9)flier (8)flies (8)fling (9)flint (8)
flips (10)flips (10)flirs (8)flirt (8)flite (8)flits (8)
float (8)float (8)flock (14)flocs (10)floes (8)flogs (9)
flong (9)flong (9)flood (9)floor (8)flops (10)flora (8)
floss (8)floss (8)flota (8)flour (8)flout (8)flown (11)
flows (11)flows (11)flubs (10)flued (9)flues (8)fluff (14)
fluid (9)fluid (9)fluke (12)fluky (15)flume (10)flump (12)
flung (9)flung (9)flunk (12)fluor (8)flush (11)flute (8)
fluty (11)fluty (11)fluyt (11)flyby (16)flyer (11)flyte (11)
foals (8)foals (8)foams (10)foamy (13)focal (10)focus (10)
foehn (11)foehn (11)fogey (12)foggy (13)fogie (9)fohns (11)
foils (8)foils (8)foins (8)foist (8)folds (9)foley (11)
folia (8)folia (8)folic (10)folio (8)folks (12)folky (15)
folly (11)folly (11)fonds (9)fondu (9)fonts (8)foods (9)
fools (8)fools (8)foots (8)footy (11)foram (10)foray (11)
forbs (10)forbs (10)forby (13)force (10)fordo (9)fords (9)
fores (8)fores (8)forge (9)forgo (9)forks (12)forky (15)
forme (10)forme (10)forms (10)forte (8)forth (11)forts (8)
forty (11)forty (11)forum (10)fossa (8)fosse (8)fouls (8)
found (9)found (9)fount (8)fours (8)fovea (11)fowls (11)
foxed (16)foxed (16)foxes (15)foyer (11)frags (9)frail (8)
frame (10)frame (10)franc (10)frank (12)fraps (10)frass (8)
frats (8)frats (8)fraud (9)frays (11)freak (12)freed (9)
freer (8)freer (8)frees (8)fremd (11)frena (8)frere (8)
fresh (11)fresh (11)frets (8)friar (8)fried (9)frier (8)
fries (8)fries (8)frigs (9)frill (8)frise (8)frisk (12)
frith (11)frith (11)frits (8)fritt (8)fritz (17)frizz (26)
frock (14)frock (14)froes (8)frogs (9)frond (9)frons (8)
front (8)front (8)frore (8)frosh (11)frost (8)froth (11)
frown (11)frown (11)frows (11)froze (17)frugs (9)fruit (8)
frump (12)frump (12)fryer (11)fubar (10)fubsy (13)fucus (10)
fuddy (13)fuddy (13)fudge (10)fuels (8)fugal (9)fuggy (13)
fugio (9)fugio (9)fugle (9)fugue (9)fugus (9)fujis (15)
fulls (8)fulls (8)fully (11)fumed (11)fumer (10)fumes (10)
fumet (10)fumet (10)fundi (9)funds (9)fungi (9)fungo (9)
funks (12)funks (12)funky (15)funny (11)furan (8)furls (8)
furor (8)furor (8)furry (11)furze (17)furzy (20)fused (9)
fusee (8)fusee (8)fusel (8)fuses (8)fusil (8)fussy (11)
fusty (11)fusty (11)futon (8)fuzed (18)fuzee (17)fuzes (17)
fuzil (17)fuzil (17)fuzzy (29)fyces (13)fykes (15)fytte (11)


The letter ‘E’ is like the secret sauce that makes things better. It’s only worth 1 point, but it’s special because there are more ‘E’ tiles than any other letter in the game – a whole 12 of them! That’s a lot!

Think of ‘E’ as a helper letter. You can add it to so many words to make new ones, like turning ‘rat’ into ‘rate’ or ‘cut’ into ‘cute’.

‘E’ is a real superstar in helping you connect other letters and make longer words, which can score you more points. Even though each ‘E’ doesn’t give you a ton of points by itself, it’s super valuable for building bigger words and fitting perfectly on the game board. So, in Scrabble, ‘E’ might seem small, but it’s mighty in helping you win!

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